Could there be a better date than a Friday the 13th just a few days before Samhain and Halloween for three fun friends to spend a fun evening together making felted kitchen witches? My only regret was that I forgot my own felt witch hat at home!

We made adorable little witches out of the most gorgeous colours – dark and light green, hues of blue, and a fiery red, yellow and orange mix. The photo above shows me assembling the kits. Aren’t the stickers cute? Stickers!
I was a little worried about timing, as I hadn’t led this particular workshop before, but even with lots of breaks for chat and the most delicious home-made stovetop popcorn, we had plenty of time to finish our witches in almost exactly two hours.
This is such a fun, easy craft with many ways to personalize your little kitchen witch. I went with flowy hair instead of braids for mine this time, and love the way it turned out.

This is a perfect craft for a small Halloween party, or any time you’re getting a few of your witchiest friends together! The workshop fee is $50 per person, and I bring everything you’ll need to take home your own felted kitchen witch. You supply the kitchen table, some friends and your sense of curiosity – popcorn is optional. 😉 (You can see details here on the book a workshop page.)
If you’d like to book your own felted kitchen witch workshop, shoot me an email at I’d love to hear from you!